


  • 接近理想的检测效率:可超过95%。
  • 高度精确的计时和低噪音,真正的无闩锁操作
  • 超快和光子数分辨率的检测
  • 可混合和匹配多达16个探测器,可选择机架安装的系统


  • 真正的24/7连续运行
  • SNSPD比以前更快、更精确
  • 光子数分辨检测,最高可达8个光子






  • 近乎完美的检测效率:可超过95%。
  • 超低的噪音:低至< 1 Hz的暗计数率
  • 内置低温放大器的超高精度:低至< 25 ps的时间抖动
  • 混合和匹配多达16个探测器,随时升级
  • 高计数率:超快的探测器,最大探测率超过100 MHz
  • 在任何检测率下,基于硬件的真正无闩锁操作

  • 连续的系统运行
  • 通过定期自动氦气回收延长系统寿命
  • 可靠和强大的性能,包括全球24小时的技术支持
  • 可选项:



ID281超快SNSPD:一种平行像素的SNSPD设计,同样有四个或八个纳米线子像素,但改为用于减轻光子堆积效应。使用这些器件可以实现低于10纳秒的恢复时间,同时仍然受益于ID281 SNSPD系列的效率、精度、噪声性能和宽带操作。

ID281 光子数量分辨:平行像素SNSPD设计,每个探测器由四个或八个纳米线子像素并联组成。这些器件具有独特的能力,可以在一次测量中分辨出多达八个光子状态,同时仍然受益于ID281 SNSPD系列的效率、精度、噪声性能和宽带操作。


ID281 SNSPD的性能来自于其超导材料(需要在低温下工作),因此我们会在一个交钥匙的低温系统中交付,可以为您的需求量身定做。


  • 机架式安装定制,安全、机动
  • 用于即插即用操作的ID281控制盒
  • ID1000时间控制器用于超快的超精确数据采集





Broad-spectrum near-ideal detection efficiency

Every ID281 SNSPD has a high system detection efficiency (SDE) across hundreds of nanometres, at a user-selected central wavelength. The full range of ID281 SNSPDs provides sensitivity to single photons at wavelengths from below 500 nm to beyond 2 μm.



Detector wavelengths < 500 nm to > 2000 nm
Broadband detection efficiency High SDE over > 100 nm range
Peak system detection efficiency (SDE) Standard SNSPDs: ≥ 80% to ≥ 90% (and can exceed 95%)
Ultrafast SNSPDs: ≥ 70% (typ. ≥ 80%)
PNR SNSPDs: ≥ 70% (typ. ≥ 80%)



For even broader wavelength ranges, custom optical cavities can be designed, and detectors can be coupled to multimode fibre, on request.


Superb precision

With built-in cryogenic amplifiers, the detector timing jitter is < 40 ps FWHM for all Standard SNSPDs, and can reach as low as < 25 ps. Timing jitter varies depending on detection wavelength, detector design, and detector composition. Lower jitter values can be prioritised on request.


Timing jitter (FWHM) < 25 ps to < 40 ps (typ. < 30 ps)



Ultrafast single-photon counting

All single-photon detectors have a finite time in which they need to recover after a detection event before returning to full detection efficiency, impacting the maximum detection rate that can be practically observed. Standard ID281 SNSPDs are already incredibly fast single-photon detectors, but our novel Ultrafast SNSPD designs give the very best speed in single-photon counting.



Maximum detection rate (1) Standard SNSPDs: > 30 MHz (recovery time typ. < 30 ns) Ultrafast SNSPDs: > 100 MHz (recovery time < 10 ns)


(1) Recovery time defined as the time for the detection efficiency to recover 50% of the maximum after a detection event.

Ultra-low noise

Detector dark counts—spurious detection events that occur with the optical inputs fully isolated—are always negligibly low in all ID281 SNSPDs. Being dominated by low-temperature black-body radiation, these dark counts decrease at shorter wavelengths.


Maximum dark count rate < 500 nm to 950 nm: < 5 Hz to < 1 Hz
950 nm to 1300 nm: < 20 Hz to < 5 Hz 1300 nm to > 1600 nm: < 100 Hz to < 10 Hz


Cryogenic system

Two models of cryogenic system house ID281 Series SNSPDs: the ID281 SO (SOrption) system, and the ID281 CO (Continuous Operation) system. The ID281 SO system achieves the highest SNSPD performance, with longer periods between system maintenance and an overall longer system lifetime, while the ID281 CO system achieves true uninterrupted and indefinite SNSPD operation, and still reaching the performance specifications listed above.



Cryostat Model ID281 SO (SOrption) ID281 CO (Continuous Operation)
Detector base temperature 0.8 K > 2 K
Runtime at base temperature ≥ 24 hours (2) Indefinitely
Available ID281 SNSPDs Full SNSPD catalogue High-speed and low-jitter SNSPDs
Key benefits – Lowest possible timing jitter
– Extended system lifetime
– True 24/7 continuous operation
Available detector channels Up to 16
Cryostat dimensions 63 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm

(2) Automated operation of the ID281 SO system gives indefinite continuous operation with a scheduled helium condensation cycle every day.